Overview: LectureMaker Cross-domain Video Distribution Platform
LectureMaker’s Cross-Domain Video Distribution Platform™ is a video publishing software product and set of optional services designed to support the exploding demand for high quality lecture videos by the business, university, and non-profit communities. Use this platform to securely stream your online videos without commercial distractions while keeping your viewers on your own website. Extend your playback options at any time to include eCommerce, eLearning, and secure video upload management from your team, peers, partners, and 3’rd party video producers.
LectureMaker’s video platform is designed to give viewers a fantastic experience on your own website watching your own business videos, without commercial distractions, with fast content navigation, while collecting the most information about viewers online aggregated watching behavior. — Ron Fredericks, video producer and technologist at LectureMaker

Client Testimonials
LectureMaker has been instrumental in helping us launch our eLearning Training Program here at RTI. Ron’s professionalism, creative ideas, and responsiveness has made working with him a real pleasure. We benefited from his guidance and working knowledge and I look forward to working with Ron as we prepare to add additional courses to our program in the near future. — Mark Hamilton, Consulting Manager, Real-Time Innovations
Ron Fredericks has a talent for figuring out services web-page users need (sometimes, well ahead of ‘the marketplace’) and implementing such services to high standards of quality. I participated in Ron’s debugging of his first e-commerce site and some other technology-based services he brought to market. In each case, I appreciated the care – for customers’ success and technological excellence – that he put into the work and products. — Dr. Thomas J. Buckholtz, former Co-CIO for the United States federal government’s Executive Branch
LectureMaker’s corporate MOOC (“Massive Open Online Course”) platform is impressive in that it encapsulates the entire course in one site (a one stop shop) and provides an opportunity to reuse data. You are working at the edge of a very exciting time in education – a time when education and business can truly engage. — Louise Hargreaves, Manager Institutional Research, Bond University
LectureMaker’s video platform is built around its own streaming video service connected to a feature-rich video playback application. The cross-domain result is that video plays from your own web site with the streaming services located on any number of cloud platforms including LectureMaker’s own cloud.
LectureMaker’s video platform embeds content navigation into the video to give your users the best chance to be educated, persuaded, and entertained with your video content. You decide if your videos are public, restricted, or require payment to watch. LectureMaker’s video platform can collect the analytics and feedback you need to improve your products, services, courses, campaigns, and community engagements.
LectureMaker offers several software component plugins to extend the basic video distribution service for:
- Secure access,
- eLearning,
- Peer-2-peer expert knowledge portals,
- Vendor-client training,
- eCommerce income streams, and
- MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) reusable content for students and professionals.
What’s New
3/2013 – Add eCommerce plugin for controlled access, and income stream creation by PO.
2/2013 – Add easy video scaling, full screen display, configurable links to discussion/forum/quiz/more info button, and add navigation point control inside and external to video by % or time.
1/2013 – Add eLearning plugin with user registration database.
12/2012 – Add MOOC platform support for massive online content storage by chapter or module.
8/2012 – Add HTML5 basic video support for iOS Apple devices (iPhone and iPad).
12/2011 – Test Flash version on all popular browsers for Mac, PC, and Android platforms.
8/2011 – Add google analytic tags to document anonymized and aggregated user interaction with video .player, navigation, and amount watched.
8/2011 – Add external linking into video timeline.
1/2011 – Add PHP driven HTTP streaming for random access playback of the entire video timeline.
6/2008 – Add PHP secure web server access to PDF eBooks with automated credit card services through ClickBank.
Demonstration:LectureMaker Cross-domain Video PlatformPresented here is a video demonstration using LectureMaker’s own cross-domain platform service. [kml_flashembed publishmethod=”static” fversion=”10.0.0″ useexpressinstall=”true” allowFullScreen=”true” movie=”https://www.lecturemaker.com/scripts/lmvideov4204_lm.swf” width=”858″ height=”524″ targetclass=”flashmovie” fvars=” vidName = LM_Demo_600_v4_meta.flv; lecID = 1; lecSubDir = /lecturemaker_cross-domain_2011/; imgPreLoad = PreloadImage_lm_cross-domain_854x487.jpg; imgSubDir = /lecturemaker_cross-domain_2011/; gaFID = video-player; autoNavDisplay=1; allowFullScreen=1; vidWidth=858; vidHeight=480; winPtr=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eembeddedcomponents%2Ecom%2Fcustomer%5Fsamples%2Flecturemaker%2F; winTip=Test drive LectureMaker%27s Cross%2Ddomain Video Platform on a typical customer site; navDotParam = {Credits}{.982 }, {Video platform demonstration}{.3369}, {How to order LectureMaker%27s video platform}{.264 }, {Overview of LectureMaker%27s Cross%2Ddomain Video Platform}{.000 }”] Video Playback Using HTML5 Support
Video Navigation Dots Summary[table id=5 /] |
Use the flash panel below to see how fast your Internet connection is to LectureMaker’s video service. The bandwidth test is performed three times with results displayed in red. Would you like to restart the bandwidth test? Then Click to refresh the page
[kml_flashembed publishmethod=”static” fversion=”10.0.0″ movie=”/lectures/bandwidth/bandwidth_test.swf” width=”550″ height=”400″ targetclass=”flashmovie”]
EmbeddedComponents.com hosts a cross-domain example of LectureMaker’s service go there
Real-Time Innovations
RTI uses LectureMaker’s cross-domain video distribution platform to present video-based self-paced training for both new and experienced users of RTI Connext DDS products. go there
Flexible hosting options:
- LectureMaker Hosts massive video storage, Plays and Securely Monetizes Video from LectureMaker.com
- Use LectureMaker’s Cross-domain Host with Site License for Video Player, eCommerce, Secure Access, and optional eLearning Course Syllabus Design on Your Website
- Self-Host with Your Own Copy of LectureMaker’s Media Server and Ability to Resell Your Own Site Licensed Video Playback solutions to your Clients, Partners, and other online Communities
- Distribute the mix of host/cross-host solutions on your client’s site, act as a resale partner
- Full support available: phone support, training, configuration, PHP5, JavaScript, HTML5, ActionScript 3 code updates, and engineering leadership from architecture design to new code development
Flexible video development options:
- Prepare your own videos, upload, and manage them through LectureMaker’s media server
- Offer media server account access to your peers, partners, and vendors for a wider source of new video content
- Contract with LectureMaker’s video studio to optionally enhance your raw videos, train your team in producing high quality video, and to create new videos
- See LectureMaker’s live event recording service
- See LectureMaker’s portable video studio service
- See LectureMaker’s public speech training service
- See LectureMaker’s post production editing service
- Work with your favorite local video teams to produce videos for upload to LectureMaker’s media server
Components included with LectureMaker’s platform:
- Video Media Server – a PHP component designed to stream Flash FLV formatted video
- User Access Control – a PHP component and MySQL database designed to register, administer, and control user access to your copy of LectureMaker’s Video Media Server
- Video Access Control – A PHP component designed to grant viewer’s access to video based on eCommerce tokens, product code, and subscription time
- Video Ban Control – A PHP web form designed to augment video access control to ban access to users from a previously granted access to video content
- Video Licensing Tool – A PHP web form and cryptographic security algorithm to generate unique licenses to your viewers to watch a collection of videos
- Video eLearning Solution – A PHP, JavaScript, Flash SWF, and HTML5 web page with support libraries designed to group videos into courses using a syllabus
- Video Player – A Flash ActionScript 3 SWF file that integrates with LectureMaker’s video media server to stream video in real-time, present internal navigation buttons, offer social links, and generate gamified Google analytics on viewer behavior
- Solution templates for eCommerce – PHP code to integrate various credit card merchants and affiliate marketer solutions. ClickBank is the first solution completed.
Contact Ron Fredericks, LectureMaker’s CEO/Co-Founder for pricing, availability, and services supporting LectureMaker’s Video Distribution Platform.
An excellent presentation. You provide an excellent video resource that allows users with many different applications to integrate video into their presentations. I can’t believe what a valuable collection of tools the Cross-domain Video Domain provides.