Art Rosenfeld: IEEE Founder

Arthur Hinton Rosenfeld (June 22, 1926 – January 27, 2017) was a University of California, Berkeley physicist, and California energy commissioner, dubbed the “Godfather of Energy Efficiency,” for developing new standards that helped improve energy efficiency in California and subsequently worldwide.

Featured Presenters:

  • Ashok Gadgil, director of the Energy and Environmental Technologies Division at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and professor of environmental engineering at the University of California, Berkeley David Goldstein, co-director of the energy program at the Natural Resources Defense Council
  • Carl Blumstein, chairman of the ACEEE Board of Directors and director of the California Institute for Energy and Environment
  • John Wilson, Buildings Program Director at the at the Energy Foundation
  • Howard Gellar, executive director of the Southwest Energy Efficiency Project and former executive director of ACEEE
  • Dian Grueneich, senior research scholar at the Precourt Energy Efficiency Center, Stanford University
  • Stephen Chu, William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor of Physics and Molecular & Cellular Physiology at Stanford University
  • Art Rosenfeld, distinguished scientist emeritus at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, professor emeritus of physics at the University of California, Berkeley, and ACEEE founder

Brief Overview of the editing process:

Using Glee’s suggested interview questions to capture initial footage, I edited raw content into a mix of “thank you’s”, “accomplishments – PGE energy efficiency plan, and the creation of ACEEE”, and an explanation of one of his core techniques that he and his team uses to be so successful, called the “Fermi problem”. I hope this content mix supports a wide ranging audience from new scientist/practitioners to the field of energy efficiency as well as those who have worked within ACEEE for some time.

After the summer event, I added additional material from Art Rosenfeld, filmed after watching the initial testimonial videos and live speeches, that supported the original filmed testimonials – Ron Fredericks, Lecturemaker Videographer and Editor.

About ACEEE:

“The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE), a nonprofit research organization, develops policies to reduce energy waste and combat climate change. Its independent analysis advances investments, programs, and behaviors that use energy more effectively and help build an equitable clean energy future.” —

Author: Ron Fredericks

Ron's technology skill set includes open source software development, architecture design, quick prototyping, project/product management, operating system development, compiler development, debugger development, component reuse, network protocols, new media streaming, real-time performance, embedded systems, mobile apps, power engineering, and countless application development projects. Ron is also a business developer, video and animation artist, public speaker, eLearning platform developer, and independent researcher at LinkedIn Profile:

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