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Meeting hosted by:
Co-Chairs of the SVForum Mobile Internet SIG
- Joe Jasin, Managing Director, DNA Partners, LLC
- Peter Lam, Senior Product Manager, Cisco Systems
- Nina Pang, Project & Account Manager, Cypress Digital Media
June 7, 2012 Nokia – Silicon Valley Office
- Distimo presentation by Joe Jasin, SVForum Mobile Internet SIG Co-chair
- Yuval Koren, Eye-Fi CEO
- Bruce Jones, HTC Senior Developer Evangelist
- Scott Hardy, Polaroid President
SIG Meeting Introduction, Distimo, Eye-Fi, and HTC Updates
[kml_flashembed publishmethod=”static” fversion=”10.0.0″ useexpressinstall=”true” movie=”https://www.lecturemaker.com/scripts/lmv_lm_v41.swf” width=”854″ height=”520″ targetclass=”flashmovie” fvars=” vidName = Sequence_01_take2_meta.flv; lecID = 1; gaFID = 2012/06/svforum_vid1; lecSubDir = /SVForum_2012_06/; imgSubDir = /SVForum_2012_06/; imgPreLoad = Sequence_01_lmload.jpg; winPtr=http://www.svforum.org/MobileSIG; winTip = Visit SVForum Mobile Internet SIG; navDotParam = {HTC Senior Developer Evangelist, Bruce Jones}{.817}, {Eye%2DFi CEO Yuval Koren}{.493}, {Distimo on Instagram competitors}{.4184}, {Distimo on Instagram}{.25}, {Distimo presentation by Joe Jasin}{.199}, {Speakers}{.1084}, {Sponsors}{.0862}, {Agenda}{.0398}”]
Video Playback Using HTML5 iOS Platform Support
User Note: Mouse over the red navigation dots to highlight or watch video segments.
Polaroid Presentation: Mobile Photography
[kml_flashembed publishmethod=”static” fversion=”10.0.0″ useexpressinstall=”true” movie=”https://www.lecturemaker.com/scripts/lmv_lm_v41.swf” width=”854″ height=”520″ targetclass=”flashmovie” fvars=” vidName = Sequence_02_meta.flv; lecID = 2; gaFID = 2012/06/svforum_vid2; lecSubDir = /SVForum_2012_06/; imgSubDir = /SVForum_2012_06/; imgPreLoad = Sequence_02_lmload.jpg; winPtr=http://www.polaroid.com; winTip = Visit Polaroid Home Page; navDotParam = {Q%2FA: Does Polaroid plan to introduce geolocation technologies%3F}{.9395}, {Q%2FA: Does the %22impossible project%22 resonate with the art community%3F}{.8731}, {Q%2FA%3F Can you elaborate on the Google%2B license%3F}{.8514}, {Q%2FA: Can you elaborate on the Lomo camera%3F}{.7811}, {Q%2FA: What is the retail price point for your new products%3F}{.7551}, {Q%2FA: How did you get Lady GaGa involved with Polaroid%3F}{.7176}, {Q%2FA: Does Polaroid resonate with millennial generation%3F}{.6888}, {Q%2FA: Are there any printing iOS apps by Polaroid%3F}{.6764}, {Q%2FA: Can you go over the Polaroid iPhone apps available%3F}{.5261}, {Q%2FA: How does Polaroid manage IP business and product development%3F}{.4863}, {50%2D50%2D50, Art Exhibit}{.4403}, {Made in Polaroid, Art Exhibit}{.3563}, {Polarmatic iOS App}{.3046}, {Polaroid Internet Tablet}{.2492}, {Polaroid%27s new business model, the holding company}{.1295}, {Polaroid overview presented by Scott Hardy}{.0836}, {President of Polaroid, Scott Hardy}{.000 }”]
Video Playback Using HTML5 iOS Platform Support
User Note: Mouse over the red navigation dots to highlight or watch video segments.
Selected Video Topics and Navigation Table
Each video navigation dot can be used to share video content. This table highlights some examples.
[table id=10 /]

Photo of Joe Jasin, SVForum Mobile Internet SIG Co-chair, leading a whiteboard discussion.
- SVForum Calender of Events
- Blog post on how to create, publish, and leverage value from user group videos by Ron Fredericks, Co-founder LectureMaker:
http://blog.revolutionanalytics.com/2012/09/making-rug-videos.html - LectureMaker’s products and services:
This is what the share text above looks like…
Hosted by Joe Jasin, SVForum Mobile Internet SIG