Redemption – A Short Story – By Megan Leney

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Ron Fredericks writes: “Redemption” is a short story by Megan Leney about Commander Michael Abrashoff’s tour of duty on the USS Benfold (DDG-65). Megan is the president of Securely Speaking Toastmasters club located inside Symantec’s Mountain View headquarters.

The video was directed by Ron Fredericks and produced by Alex Gershowitz in LectureMaker’s Sunnyvale Video Studio:

I enjoyed watching the video because of Megan’s ability to highlight several key Annapolis leadership skills:

  • Abrashoff followed first: he worked for William Perry, United States Secretary of Defense, before assuming command of his own ship;
  • Abrashoff applied the three D’s of empowerment in building his crew’s competence and confidence (Decide, Delegate, and Disappear): so his crew and ship could pass inspection without having to be onboard himself;
  • Abrashoff was able to build unity by prizing diversity: He called offending members of his crew and officer staff to task for not respecting racial diversity on one notable occasion which resulted in a lasting loyalty to him and his ship.

I invite the viewer to watch the full video presented by Megan to discover the true meaning of redemption. For those wanting to adopt leadership skills taught by the U.S. Naval Academy, I suggest reading W. Brad Johnson and Gregory P. Harper’s book “Becoming A Leader the Annapolis Way”:

Contact Mike Abrashoff

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