TEDx Constitution Drive – Lectures on “Trust”

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Ron Fredericks writes: I would like to thank Tam Thao Pham, Tam Thanh Pham, and Theresa Pham for including me as their filmmaker for their Menlo Park TEDx Constitution Drive event. I would also like to thank Bill Copeland for being my lead cameraman, and Tom Buckholtz for handling LectureMaker’s operations and interviews during the event.

Some great photo’s from the event on Flickr captured by Theresa Pham – great work.

“Ron [from LectureMaker] did a terrific job helping us deliver the first annual TEDxConstitutionDrive conference! Our goals were ambitious for this first conference – record over a dozen talks by leading experts and entrepreneurs, get high-quality video up online on the TEDx YouTube channel, and livestream the event for a global audience. He supported us through the entire process, with super-quality equipment, a high degree of professionalism, and a great attitude and personality that made him a pleasure to work with.” — Tam Thao Thi Pham

I filmed each presenter using multiple HD video cameras and microphones optimized for each presenter’s unique situations integrated with video switcher, recorder and live streaming service. Photos and slides were merged with the video stream during the live event for streaming then later optimized during post production.

Here are the resulting videos:

Anant Agrawal

vending frontierman and co-founder of Cantaloupe Systems


Paige Craig

entrepreneur and adrenaline-fueled angel investor


Fran Maier

president of TrustE and co-founder of Match.com


John Murray

director of cybernetic and human systems at SRI International


Paul Zak

neuroscientist also known as Dr. Love


Colt Briner

Democrasoft VP and accomplished illusionist (special performance)


Rebecca Mercuri

leading expert in electronic voting systems (special webconference)


Anneke Jong

Stanford MBA and storyteller extraordinaire


Rob Fuggetta

founder of brand advocacy firm Zuberance


Laura Slezinger

managing director of Girls in Tech SF


Kaitlin McGaw

bluesy jazz vocalist and songwriter


Sri Artham

fair trader of Fair Trade USA


Barak Kassar

co-founder of Zibkids.com and creative director at Rassak Experience

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