Grand Opening Testimonial by Dr. Kark

Ron Fredericks writes: LectureMaker’s Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony is over now. But I would like to share this testomonial delivered by Dr. Pieter Kark during the event.

This video uses LectureMaker’s green screen, a simple photograph background, teleprompter, and some basic studio techniques during the recording.

The Video Demonstration

Dr. Pieter Kark presents:
An overview of his experience using LectureMaker’s video studio for the first time.
[kml_flashembed fversion=”10.0.0″ movie=”” targetclass=”flashmovie” publishmethod=”static” width=”852″ height=”480″]Get Adobe Flash player 10
If you prefer not to upgrade to flash 10, you may try playing the flash movie from this link: lmpremovie.swf
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