Blue Cube Toastmasters

Welcome to Blue Cube

The Blue Cube Toastmasters Club members meet regularly in a business-like environment to develop and improve their public speech and leadership skills.

The club meets at LectureMaker LLC’s office every Tuesday from 5:30pm to 6:30pm
830 Stewart Drive
Sunnyvale, CA 94085

Results of My Leadership  and Public Speaking Training - Thanks to Toastmasters
Figure 1 – Ron Fredericks is hired as a technical marketer and public speaker, Moscone Center, thanks to skills learned as a Toastmaster.

Who can participate

  • Guests are welcome
  • Visiting Toastmasters from other clubs are welcome
  • Toastmasters officers from area, district, and beyond are welcome
  • Adults 18 years or older may apply for membership
  • Blue Cube Club officers reserve the right to refuse individual participation at its sole discretion

Benefits to Jointing Blue Cube
The main benefits to joining any Toastmasters club revolves around public speech and leadership training.

One special benefit of LectureMaker’s sponsorship of the Blue Cube Toastmasters Club is that members can request their speeches and evaluations be videotaped and published. Some of those videos are posted here.

Contact Ron Fredericks to learn more about LectureMaker’s sponsorship of Blue Cube Toastmasters Club to:

  • Request a password to access members’ only videos
  • Learn how to become a club member
  • Create blog posts for the club’s benefit
  • Get more information on meeting agenda or membership

Best regards,

Ron Fredericks
Phone: 408-390-1895

Author: Ron Fredericks

Ron's technology skill set includes open source software development, architecture design, quick prototyping, project/product management, operating system development, compiler development, debugger development, component reuse, network protocols, new media streaming, real-time performance, embedded systems, mobile apps, power engineering, and countless application development projects. Ron is also a business developer, video and animation artist, public speaker, eLearning platform developer, and independent researcher at LinkedIn Profile:

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